First »Working with Nature« award in 2014

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»Working with Nature« is an international initiative of the World Association for[ds_preview] Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) to promote an anticipatory and holistic philosophy for infrastructure projects in shipping. PIANC is one of the oldest global technical-scientific associations to take an active part in port and road construction and in maritime as well as inland navigation including sports and recreational boating.

Until now work concentrated simply on trying to limit or compensate for any environmental damage. »Working with Nature« on the other hand, aims to achieve the project objectives in the context of the characteristics of an ecosystem and to find win-win solutions to benefit all sides. PIANC wants the international shipping sector to implement the »Working with Nature« philosophy and therefore initiated the corresponding award.

Since January ambitious environmental projects may be submitted online ( At best, such projects should be already implemented or aim at manifest implementation. Programmes, master plans or methodologies which lack specific terms of implementation do not qualify. Every four years PIANC World Congress will award a project. The first ceremony will be in San Francisco, California, in 2014. Projects to be considered must be handed in by 1 September 2013.