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Poland‘s main port in Gdansk intends to bu[ds_preview]ild up a maritime start-up scene in 2017. The official launch for first concepts is scheduled for next week already.

The unique program is supposed to support start-ups from the sea transport sector, including companies from ports and logistics businesses. On 25 November, the Port of Gdansk Authority SA along with the Gdansk Economic Development Agency and the Gdansk Business Incubator, »Starter«, will sign a trilateral agreement initiating activities aimed at establishing a »Maritime Incubator«.

According to the port authority, companies taking part in the incubation will receive »mentoring support tailored to their needs«. Moreover, participants would gain access to dedicated space from the Maritime Incubator in Gdansk, »where young companies will be free to use offices and co-working space.«

Next friday, the official inauguration of the work on the concept will begin. »Ultimately, this will be the first Polish acceleration program developed solely for projects from the rapidly developing maritime industry«, it was said. On this occasion, on 23-25 November, the Maritime Startup event will be held, in which startups dealing with solutions from the maritime industry and the ports and logistics sector will take part.