ABB Turbocharging has raised the benchmark for low-speed turbocharging efficiency. The company achieves an increase of 2 % by performing the measurement on an actual engine on an engine testbed.
As a performance yardstick for low-speed turbochargers, the industry applies the turb[ds_preview]ocharger efficiency benchmark given by MAN Diesel & Turbo. According own information ABB Turbocharging has now proven an exceptional 2 % higher efficiency compared to the industry standard.
The ABB turbocharging efficiency benchmark test took place earlier this year on a Hyundai testbed in Korea. Three ABB latest generation A180-L turbochargers, produced by Hyundai under license, were fitted on an 8G95ME-C9.5 engine and the turbocharging efficiency was measured accordingly. The measurement was performed with state-of-the-art wireless measuring equipment to ensure highest data accuracy the company informed.
For marine operators the additional 2 % efficiency increase would mean annual fuel savings of up to 35,000 $ per vessel, depending on fuel price and load profile ABB stated. This exceptional efficiency increase was also confirmed and verified by MAN Diesel & Turbo.
Fuel and maintenance costs have the highest impact on lifecycle costs and therefore total cost of ownership (TCO). This efficiency increase in turbocharging and the resulting effect of lower fuel consumption and costs will have a direct positive impact on the overall TC