Record in 2014

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Over the course of 2014, 833 new vessels with a combined total[ds_preview] of 21,466,272 gt joined ClassNK, marking the fourth straight year of over 20mill. in new tonnage registered. Led by strength in the newbuilding markets, ClassNK had registered a total of 548 newbuildings with a combined total of over 16 mill. gt, or more than 25% of all newly built tonnage in 2014 (based on Clarkson figures).

Growth had also been driven by transfers from other societies which had reached a record 285 vessels in 2014, including ClassNK’s first US- and German-flagged vessels. This followed ClassNK’s establishment of Survey Operations Headquarters in New York and Hamburg. Continuing trends from previous years, European shipowners, led by German and Greek owners, had accounted for roughly half of all transfers to the NK register in 2014. At the end of December 2014, ClassNK had a total of 8,872 vessels on its register with a combined total of 232,871,435 gt.