»Final attempt« move

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Initiated by the Bremer Landesbank JR Shipping and Universal Marine are preparing[ds_preview] for the managemnet transfer of six container feeder vessels to JR »in a final attempt to avoid losing further capital« by Bremer Landesbank, principal financier of the shipping CVs operating the vessels. JR will devise a refinancing program for these six vessels after this transition phase, with the aim of seeing them through the last stage of the crisis. There is a realistic risk of bankruptcy for the 1100-TEU-vessels »Hudson River«, »Yellow River«, »Pearl River«, »Yangtze River«, »Mekong River« and »Amur River«, JR says. Each vessel is encumbered by a mortgage taken out with Bremer Landesbank, which has repeatedly granted the shipping CVs permission to extend their repayment obligations and, thus, create room for a solution. In 2012, JR Shipping succeeded in restructuring and refinancing eleven of its vessels and now aims to create a similar, successful format for the six »River« vessels.