The market trend is clear. Shipowners and operators today demand a higher degree of predictability in their operations and running[ds_preview] costs. They want to avoid wasting valuable resources and time to find the right product or service provider at the right price. The answer to this challenge has proven to be Viking’s global fixed price concepts with a local point of contact.

»We currently see an increasing number of customers who find the combination of global concepts and local handling very attractive. It allows them to focus on their key business rather than having to focus on the maintenance of safety equipment on board their vessels. As a result, shipowners get all the advantages of centralized procurement with dependable, local availability«, says Jörgen Holm, Sales Director of Viking Germany.

Viking was the first safety equipment manufacturer to launch a global fixed price concept that may include the purchase and global servicing of liferafts, immersion suits, marine fire equipment, lifeboats, davits and even the retrofitting of lifeboat hooks as required by the latest IMO regulations. And now you can even enter a »Global Safety Product Agreement« that covers items such as lifebuoys or fire extinguishers on board. A Global Safety Product Agreement ensures global availability of over 50 products in pre-determined ports at annually fixed prices, consistent quality and full compliance. To Holm, that flexibility is absolutely key as each shipowner is unique: »Through an individual dialogue with each customer, we together find the solution that is the optimal fit for their operations. At the end of the day, I believe that our strength lies in the fact that we today offer shipowner tailored solutions rather than one size fits all.«