Fendercare Marine, supplier of marine products and services, has announced the signing of a global framework for the sale of[ds_preview] Gunnebo Industries products. Gunnebo Industries supplies several areas within the lifting and material handling industry for which they manufacture products such as crane blocks, wire rope sheaves, chain & lifting components, shackles and lashing products. This agreement is for the distribution and supply of the entire Gunnebo range of products through Fendercare Marine’s global footprint of bases.

Fendercare Marine has lifting and testing centres at many of its worldwide bases, supplying and servicing the engineering, construction, mining, oil & gas, offshore, subsea, shipping and crane industries. Through its bases, they are able to offer lifting equipment for hire, sale and service; load & stress monitoring equipment and pneumatic/hydraulic hoists and winches, together with tensile testing machines, a full wire rope service, magnetic particle testing, spooling and pressure lubrication equipment. Like Fendercare Marine, Gunnebo Industries is a truly global company, boasting a Head Office in Sweden, manufacturing units in three countries and sales companies in ten countries.