The Baltic 1400 USDLC (Ultra Shallow Draft Landing Craft) is a robust workboat based on the landing craft concept made[ds_preview] of high grade marine aluminum with heavy duty hydraulic bow ramp. Last year Baltic Workboats delivered six of its Baltic 1400 USDLC to Caspian Offshore Construction LLP (COC) in co-operation with Finnish oil spill response solution provider Lamor Corporation. After the first full season at Caspian Sea the Baltic 1400 USDLC have proved to be a success. Commenting the boats Steve Reilly, Lamor Corporation‘s VP Global Business, said: »These special landing crafts have a wide open deck space with a strong bow door for easy access and deployment operations. The onboard crane on the starboard side of the deck gives these vessels the ability to raise and lower equipment onboard anywhere and deploy oil skimming systems over the side. The temperature controlled wheelhouse has excellent 360º visibility«.

The ships feature a V-shaped hull, keel and stringers give stability in open waters, while its 0.4m draft allows it to be utilized for many operations in very shallow waters. The landing craft has a high cargo capacity of 3,000 kg to transport equipment, personnel, and various emergency response gear.