Cruise ship »AIDAprima« features ice skating on the high seas since November[ds_preview]. In order to ensure a safe and constant low temperature of the rink, AIDA Cruises rely on Tyfo refrigerants. The 300m »AIDAprima« is the flagship of the company and accommodates up to 3,300 passengers. In line with the season, a 200m2 rink was put into operation in November – a novelty on the German cruise market.
The cooling of the ice surface on the activity deck is guaranteed by a brine cooler. This machine can freeze large areas evenly. The brine is the heat transfer fluid, which does not freeze even at temperatures below zero degrees. At the »AIDAprima«, Tyfocor from Tyforop Chemie is used as a brine. In order to cool the rink, the brine must have as low viscosities as possible for the entire temperature range in addition to good heat transport properties and anti-corrosive properties. This is the only way to ensure optimal flow behavior and good and fast heat transport. The Tyfocor based on ethylene glycol is used not only in cooling systems, but also as a frost and corrosion inhibitor in heaters, air-conditioning systems and heat pumps.