Offshore wind energy has become a major fe[ds_preview]ature in the Baltic region. Professionals se potential in the region, as geography and environmental conditions make the Baltic easily accessible. The targeted reduction of carbon emission in the EU could be another incentive.

Installed capacity in the Baltic Sea is increasing, prices – as seen recently in the awarding of the Kriegers Flak project – are going down to a level that clearly makes wind competitive with other energy sources, and international wind farm projects and grid networks are adding momentum to this progress.

German wind energy industry network WAB says, it is Baltic projects in particular that show how well countries work together and the extent to which offshore wind energy can contribute to electricity supply at the European level. »Offshore wind energy generation could give a major boost for providing cost-effective solution for meeting our climate goals and decarbonizing our electricity supply«, explains Kadri Simson, Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure. »Being the least energy imports reliant country in EU, Estonia values highly our energy independence. Deployment of wind energy is definitely helping to maintain this strategic position, while moving towards low carbon energy mix«, she continues.

»More efficient wind energy than ever«

The magnitude of offshore wind energy makes it the key to a complete shift to renewable energy. »There are no more excuses why we should not do it«, strengthens Martin Kruus, Chairman of the Board of Estonian Wind Power Association. »The fact that turbines are producing more efficient wind energy than ever is a major breakthrough not only for the production of renewable energy, but as well for the local economy in every aspect. This is a new high value added industry that Europe is building up and the Baltic Sea plays an important role here«, adds Kruus.

In the view of WAB, the Baltic Sea‘s advantage is easily accessible excellent wind sites. Moderate sea conditions means lower costs of installation, maintenance and higher availability. Offshore wind kick-off in the Baltic Sea region requires cooperation on a new level. Common market, infrastructure and innovation together with joint support mechanisms are essential to materialize this great energy potential.

Windforce Baltic Sea conference, organized by WAB and held from 8 to 9 February 2017 in Tallinn (Estonia) will provide an overview of current developments in the Baltic Sea. The conference focuses on the exchange of experience and questions concerning offshore wind energy in the region.