A total of 36 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships (comprising 30 actual incidents and six attempted incidents) were reported during January-June 2017 in Asia – a 22 % decrease compared to the same period in 2016.
A total of 46 incidents were reported during Januar[ds_preview]y-June 2016. There were improvements at ports and anchorages in India, Indonesia and Vietnam. However, of concern was the occurrence of the incident involving the hijacking of ship for theft of oil cargo carried on board. Incident of similar modus operandi was last reported in October 2016.
Of serious concern was the occurrence of incidents involving the abduction of crew from ships while underway in the Sulu-Celebes Sea and waters off Eastern Sabah. A total of seven incidents (comprising three actual incidents and four attempted incidents) were reported during January-April 2017. »Though no incident was reported in May 2017 and June 2017, there is no room for complacency«, the ReCAAP ISC stated.
Of the 30 actual incidents reported during January-June 2017, 13 occurred on board tankers, eight on board bulk carriers, three on board offshore supply vessels, three on board tug boats, two on board container ships and one on board a fishing boat/trawler. There was no evidence to suggest that a particular type of ship was targeted.
»Re-route from the area, where possible«
As of 30 Jun 17, 18 crew are still being held in captivity out of the 59 crew being abducted since March 2016, according to the report. The ReCAAP ISC reiterates its advice that all ships to re-route from the area, where possible. Otherwise ship masters and crew are strongly urged to exercise enhanced vigilance while transiting the area and report immediately to the relevant Centres.
Shared responsibility among all stakeholders
On 19 June 2017, the three littoral states Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines launched a trilateral maritime patrol agreement to address the increasing incidence of piracy, armed robbery against ships, kidnapping of crew at sea and other transnational crimes along the shared borders of the three countries. In dealing with the increasing threats to ships transiting the Sulu-Celebes Sea, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has also implemented several regulations and guidelines with strict enforcement in security and safety measures to prevent potential abductors from boarding ships.
The ReCAAP ISC emphasises the importance of collective and shared responsibility among all stakeholders including the littoral states’ enforcement agencies and the shipping industry to institutionalise their efforts on land and at sea.