The Union of Greek Shipowners (USG) rates its industry as strong and stable. However, the recently published annual report presents several points of criticism and demands in the direction of policy makers. An overview of quotes and numbers

Stability at risk: »2017 has been declared ›European Maritime Year‹. However, paradoxically, while the European Union seeks to enhance the[ds_preview] competitiveness of its shipping, it acts in a way that undermines the stability of maritime activity in Europe. In this context, the perpetuation of the investigation into the Greek shipping institutional framework, leaving a shipping community which represents 50% of the EU fleet in uncertainty, places half of European shipping at risk. The prospect of relocation to hospitable shipping countries outside Europe, or even within Europe but outside the EU, is no longer hypothetical.«

Cyber Security: »The UGS is concerned about US government plans to introduce cyber security legislation that would affect all vessels entering US waters and supports the non-mandatory initiatives worldwide according to the IMO relevant Guidelines.«

»The Greek shipping industry, »which was never part of the debt crisis of the Greek state«, experienced substantial disruptions of its daily operations due to the restrictions on capital movements. Consequently, a significant number of shipping enterprises has been forced to redirect vessels’ earnings abroad in order to fulfil their international financial responsibilities promptly and effectively. In total, the foreign currency inflow from shipping in 2016 was 7.81 bn €, a decrease of 22%. In fact the foreign currency inflow from maritime services in the last two years (2015-2016) was reduced by 29.4% owing to the effect of the capital controls.

The receipts in the Services Balance of Payments from maritime transport services are estimated at approximately 136 bn € for the years 2007-2016. That is 16% more than the other important Greek economic sector, tourism, which has contributed around 117 bn € over the same decade. The industry employs around 200,000 people, while the UGS has repeatedly underlined the potential of the industry to provide further employment opportunities to Greek nationals for a career at sea within an internationally competitive framework.

Newbuilding orders by Greek interests amounted to 288 vessels (over 1,000 gt), representing 29.06mill. dwt from a total of 2,717 orders of 192.66mill. dwt placed by the end of 2016. Of these vessels, 187 were tankers corresponding to 25.33% of world tonnage (dwt) on order, which include 49 LNG / LPG tankers amounting to 19.21% of world tonnage (dwt) on order, 77 dry bulk carriers corresponding to 9.44% of global tonnage (dwt) on order and 22 containerships corresponding to 5.13% of world tonnage (dwt) on order. In 2016, the age profile of the Greek flagged fleet was 13.2 years (on average) and 11.3 years of the Greek-owned fleet.

Large migration: »With regard to Search and Rescue (SAR) operations in the Central Mediterranean Sea, although there has also been a drop in the number of merchant ships that were diverted and involved in rescue (121 ships in 2016 vis-à-vis 141 ships in 2015), the situation remains serious. There are still concerns about several issues related to the safety of the crew, cargo and migrants on board, as well as compensation issues in cases of accidents, deaths, maritime pollution, disease and the obstacles to the safe disembarkation of migrants. SAR operations are the primary and undisputed responsibility of government authorities. The merchant fleet can and will assist when the need arises but cannot be an intrinsic part of the migration crisis management set-up in the Mediterranean Sea.«

Short Sea Shipping (SSS): »We believe that the simplification of administrative formalities as well as the adoption of a comprehensive electronic cargo document, the so-called »e-manifest«, would bring substantial benefits to SSS, ensuring an EU-wide »reporting once« principle. SSS can thrive only if all other competitive transport modes internalize the external costs imposed on society. Such costs include emissions, noise, highway transport load, damages, accidents and maintenance of infrastructure.«

Policy: »European shipping associations, including the UGS, are strongly opposed to the proposal of the European Parliament to include global shipping in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Directive, as this is a regional measure which simply risks polarizing and unnecessarily complicating the debate among IMO member states at a crucial stage. The UGS welcomes the continued support of the EU member states and of the European Commission in not including shipping in the EU ETS Directive, which has not taken place so far and with good reason.«

SOx emissions: »The UGS is concerned about the proliferation of establishment of new ECAs unilaterally, such as the ones that Hong Kong and China have been developing. Any need to establish such areas should be demonstrated in conformity with the IMO criteria and procedures.«

Ballast water treatment: »The UGS supports the development of a realistic implementation schedule that would set extended compliance dates for existing ships but that would also provide more flexibility for new-builds.«