The data revolution in shipping, its environmental responsibilities and its continuing reliance on »the human factor« will be the focus of attention at this year’s Europort event, taking place in Rotterdam between 7th-10th November, with the main theme: »Maximising Vessel Performance«

Some 1,100 exhibitors from 40 countries will present their innovative technologies against the backdrop of one of the most versatile[ds_preview] maritime clusters in the world. Europort has a strong focus on innovative technology and complex shipbuilding covering sea shipping, offshore, dredging, national navies, fisheries, construction vessels, workboats, inland navigation vessels and super yachts. The key themes to be explored during leading trade fair Europort are aligned with those areas of highest importance and interest to the international maritime community at present, especially with regard to addressing the challenges posed for the future and in identifying opportunities for success.

Big Data

Big Data is a game changer. Smart ships, offering scope for enhanced analysis of captured data, will provide insights that will minimise costs and optimise vessel performance, experts say. Europort will also provide a showcase for new generation IT and system integration tools, ultra-sensitive monitoring, condition-based maintenance, fleet performance management and other types of data analysis to help owners and operators achieve better efficiency and lower the overall total costs.

The new environmental age

The development of new environmentally acceptable technology is often driven by the influence of international regulations. However, market leaders turn the quest for sustainability into a strategic competitive advantage, rather than a necessary evil. In Rotterdam, the industry will present a wide range of new green technology solutions. These range from ultra-efficient propeller designs and ballast water solutions, to high-tech coatings and fuel-efficient solar cell systems. The underlying message will be clear: Clean but also efficient shipping technology is pivotal to every profitable and sustainable modern maritime business model.

The human factor

In shipping, success and competitiveness rely on having a highly skilled workforce that is enabled to innovate and operate in increasingly tough market conditions, charting a path to new business. Europort will lead a timely discussion on the importance of human capital, stressing the need to engage with young talents and to invest in staff expertise to strengthen a company’s operational skills and boost existing productivity levels, as well as prepare to meet new demands in the future.


The programme will again include many conferences, masterclasses and matchmaking sessions. One conference will be »Power and Propulsion Alternatives for Ships«. The current use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources within the shipping industry is still relatively limited. Growing environmental legislation and concerns are driving the need to develop and apply innovative alternative power and propulsion technology for ships.

This conference seeks to investigate some of these alternatives, including: wind-powered or wind-assisted propulsion; alternative fuel systems such as LNG, methanol, hydrogen; renewable fuels such as biofuels, ethanol, Dimethyl Ether (DME) algae-based fuel; pure electric and hybrid electric propulsion; batteries and fuel cells; and Solar power. Organised by The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA).

In addition, another important event will be the CEDA Dredging Days, themed around sustainable dredging. This event will focus on dredging projects that can add value to nature, as well as to society and economy, and minimise potential negative impacts. Highlights will include the launch of a new book, prepared by CEDA in association with International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) members, that is expected to become a new standard guide for the dredging community, and a technical programme with 19 peer-reviewed papers presented by international experts. An interactive session will focus on contractual problems and how to avoid them.


During Europort 2017, the masterclass programme returns. Four of these are scheduled, each covering a different industry topic with leading professionals sharing their knowledge and expertise with participants. On Tuesday 7 November the masterclass is called »How the Internet of Things and blockchain can improve supply chain efficiency,« to be followed on the next days by »How energy management can save costs and support MRV compliance,« »How big data can improve operational performance« and »How HR can make your organization future-proof«. The masterclasses are a joint initiative of Rotterdam Ahoy and Netherlands Maritime Technology and will be dedicated to core themes of the trade fair.

Seminars & meetings

Further highlights of this years Europort are the »Speakers’ Corner«, where exhibitors will give technical presentations of 20 minutes every day, during opening times of the exhibition, and the »Youngship Seminar,« where captains of industry from well-known shipping companies and maritime organizations will share a rare insight in their day-to-day (business) lives.

The seminar will be on what it takes to become a key decision-maker in the maritime industry as part of human capital themed day.

New: Start-Up Plaza

Brand new on the exhibition floor of Europort is the Start-Up Plaza. Ten young companies will showcase their innovative products or services for the maritime industry; keeping efficiency, health, environment and much more in mind. The idea is to give the young companies the chance to reach a large crowd. To learn more about these initiatives, come to hall 6 to meet the creators in between their pitch time. »The design of the Start-Up Plaza ensures you won’t miss it,« Euroports organizer Rotterdam Ahoy emphasizes.