Germany-based provider of maritime software, Hanseaticsoft, has expanded its portfolio of software solutions with the launch of its planned[ds_preview] maintenance system »Cloud Maintenance«, which is designed to help shipping companies to better manage their maintenance tasks, cash flow planning and increase their efficiencies. The web-based solution allows to plan and prioritise all maintenance jobs and manage them centrally, with the most relevant data displayed on a dashboard making it accessible for everyone allowing the crews to collaborate with the office staff. No installation in the office and additional training is needed, Hanseaticsoft said. »Cloud Maintenance« also includes a cash flow planning option which provides precise statements about how jobs are distributed, how much resources will be required for each job and at what cost. »Planning and distributing jobs is also made easier by defining jobs that must be carried out for specific equipment or by creating generic jobs, which will be automatically assigned to the entire fleet«, the company adds. Managing Director Alexander Buchmann says, »Planned maintenance systems can be confusing and impractical to use. Cloud Maintenance aims to change this with an easy to use web-based system that enables companies to manage and keep on top of planned maintenance jobs, approval processes, have more accurate cash flow planning and better categorising and distribution of jobs.« He adds that companies can now plan maintenance work centrally, precisely and according to requirements. »The system divides jobs into critical and non-critical to help companies identify which jobs are class-relevant and of high priority. To avoid peaks, Cloud Maintenance also offers dynamic planning, so that jobs can be rescheduled at short notice, ensuring jobs are distributed evenly, which leads to greater efficiency.« Hanseaticsoft was founded in 2009 by Buchmann. Today, the company has more than 40 employees and since March 2017, the classification society Lloyd’s Register holds a share in Hanseaticsoft