Tight budgets and consolidation in the shipping industry also affect marine suppliers such as Germany’s Kloska Group. Managing Director Nadine Kloska gives insight into the current state of the market from the perspective of the general supplier
In the recent past the ship owning community was impacted a lot by consolidation. How did this affect Kloska’s[ds_preview] business?
Nadine Kloska: The effects were positive as consolidation of shipping companies gives us access to service larger fleets. This accounts for a two digit growth at Kloska.
Do you observe a trend among shipping companies, to form purchasing pools?
Kloska: Lately, the formation of such co-operations has taken up speed. This development is positive for us, as we are able to offer a large portfolio of goods and services to them while at the same time we are able to deliver our services worldwide.
During the crisis more and more ships became »banks’ ships«. One might think that in these cases special attention is being paid to the expenditure side…
Kloska: Shipping is a business that is very vigorous – you have to be flexible, react fast and adapt to changes in the market and in customer requirements.
On this occasion, I would like to mention Kloska’s tool »Stores Catering«. Thanks to our experience in global provisions catering we are able to offer a similar system for the global supply of technical ship equipment. We have developed a stock of technical consumables and compiled it in a catalogue, available as hard-copy as well as digitally. With its help we supply ships worldwide with technical equipment based on fixed budget allowances.
How about the payment practice of maritime customers?
Kloska: Lately, we increasingly have to offer extended credit periods. We have adapted to this new reality and in this way we play our part in solving the on-going shipping crisis.
Does Kloska’s business model as a general supplier give you and advantage in the current situation the industry is in?
Kloska: I can give you a clear »yes« on that one. Through our extensive portfolio of goods and services, we are able to offer ship-owners a one-stop-service and we also have a large team of excellent experts.
How does the global general supplier service work, while others opt to specialize on regions ore segments?
Kloska: We have a big network of partners that are certified and audited by us. In that way, we ensure the same service quality globally that we offer regionally in Germany.
What about international competition, is the market also subject to price wars or consolidation?
Kloska: Suppliers are consolidating worldwide and the price competition is getting fiercer because of that. Kloska Group is well positioned in this environment and we can stand up well to the competition. There will always be a market for specialized suppliers, we cover both markets.
What is the influence of digitization and new technology on your business?
Kloska: Digitization is in full swing within our group of companies. For example, we offer our customers an ordering software which we developed ourselves to simplify ordering processes on board the vessels and in our offices. More and more is being processed electronically, speeding up information exchange.
What shipping segments do you service, and did this change throughout the crisis or due to the boom in cruise shipping?
Kloska: We benefit significantly from the boom of the cruise shipping industry, but we still supply all shipping segments. In 2017, Kloska has recorded a double-digit growth rate and a positive annual result. We expect this trend to continue through 2018. While individual segments grew at different rates, the over-all growth can be attributed to all of them.
What is Kloska’s future strategy?
Kloska: We will work to continuously improve and expand our global network and keep adapting our portfolio to customer demand. Just recently, we have expanded our product range by acquiring a company that specializes in safety equipment, namely MK-Marine GmbH SOLAS Range Services, based in Bremerhaven.
Interview: Felix Selzer