Digitisation opens up numerous opportunities for German shipbuilding and offshore suppliers, especially in the after-sales sector. At the same time, many companies are still wondering how to use existing potential best

A recently published study by Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML in cooperation with the supplier[ds_preview] association VDMA sheds light on the matter. In principle, steps to intensify data use can affect all systems, components and information processes on board a ship. Today, new vessels increasingly resemble cyber-physical systems, where on-board software components connect mechanical and electronic parts via a dedicated data infrastructure. As a result, current data from ship operations is permanently available. Moreover, improved maritime communication solutions en­able the transfer of large data volumes to shore, where innovative analysis methods can turn data into valuable information.

The large number of possible functional areas on board a ship as well as the financial and personnel expenses expected for the implementation of new digital functionalities require prioritization. One promising focus is on maintenance and repair processes. By monitoring the intensity of use of critical components, controlling capacity utilisation and predicting outage and repair situations, the availability of a ship can be improved. Thus, digitalisation can create a distinct added value on the part of the manufacturer by increasing customer loyalty and sales amongst others. The ship owner or operator, in turn, benefits from shorter repair cycles and reduced idle periods due to more efficient and forward-looking services.

The companies interviewed in the study address the issue of digitalisation in the after sales with quite different motives. None the less, three main drivers of service digitalisation can be identified in increased earnings potential, customer benefit and productivity. Product-related services can offer high earnings potential, especially for long-lived capital goods such as ships and individual on-board systems. According to the decision-makers consulted in the study, a key opportunity of digitalisation is the further development of existing services. Overall, this is considered more promising than the design of new data-based business models. In addition to that, the chance to improve customer experience, increase transparency and information availability, and enable faster and better informed decision-making are among the most highly rated advantages of digitalisation from the companies’ point of view.

Ready for transformation?

About two-thirds of the companies polled expect a direct financial impact of digitalisation when it comes to their maritime after-sales business. Results of the study further reveal a clear sensitisation for the topic in the industry. A large majority of shipbuilding and offshore suppliers are working on a digitalisation strategy for maritime after sales or have already completed this process. Nevertheless, at this point parts of the industry remain insufficiently prepared for the digital transformation of maritime services, as an Importance-Performance Matrix reveals. On a company basis it compares the preparedness for digitalisation of pro­duct-related services with the respective impact digitalisation will have on the competitiveness in maritime after sales.

Four different situations can be distinguished in the matrix: if a company is characterised by a low degree of readiness for the upcoming digital transformation but expects far-reaching implications on its competitiveness, »Urgent Action« is required. This is the case for almost a quarter of all companies surveyed. The majority is located in the segment »Improve«, so these players are not (yet) sufficiently prepared for the challenges of digitalisation and should step up their efforts accordingly. Only about 10% of companies are classified as »Appropriate« and are therefore well positioned, and none can be found in the segment »Excess«.

Possible fields of action

The particular approach to the digital transformation of after-sales services will vary from company to company, with the respective product range having a particularly large influence. Nonetheless, six general fields of action can be distinguished for the development of digital functionalities and product-related services:

Linking data from the operating phase with the maintenance and repair history allows deriving important conclusions for product development. At the same time, data about the actual use of a product throughout its life cycle can help to improve future product generations, which better address actual customer needs.

The continuous monitoring of relevant data and parameters enables an identification of inefficiencies in the operation of individual systems and equipment on board as well as the operational optimisation of the ship as a whole. Naturally, one important goal is to reduce overall energy consumption.

A remote access and control of systems on board allows for an easy modification of the operating state according to efficiency aspects. In addition, intelligent automation of ship operations is the basis for local self-optimisation and thus the utilisation of further efficiency gains.

Data-based remote diagnosis and condition monitoring makes it possible to check the functionality of machines and systems on board and determine existing faults as well as underlying causes. This forms the basis for condition based or predictive maintenance schemes, which use algorithms to evaluate data from shipboard operations to determine necessary maintenance measures.

On-site support systems make context-sensitive information available to service personnel and crew on board and thus support them in completing ship operation or maintenance tasks successfully. Further, they facilitate communication, data exchange and documentation processes making use of e.g. mobile devices or innovative smart glasses.

Decision support systems bundle and process relevant data in order to provide information and recommend actions which supports decision making processes on board and in the office. In doing so, they help to reduce and control of complexity in decision making situations and increase the efficiency of planning and control processes in after-sales

As of today, digital functionalities in the six areas described above cannot yet be considered the norm in the maritime industry. Among the companies surveyed, about a third has at least partially implemented elements of optimisation of operations, condition monitoring and on-site support systems. A quarter makes use of operational data for product development, while less than 20% have remote access and control functionalities implemented or decision support systems for after sales management in place.


Developments in other industries have shown over the past few years that digitalisation is not only fundamentally changing business processes, but also creates entirely new business models as more and more data becomes available. The maritime industry is no exception with emerging services and business models already beginning to disrupt the current industry logic. At this point, a rather cautious approach towards digitalisation still prevails among the surveyed shipbuilding and offshore suppliers though. First and foremost new digital functionalities are seen as an opportunity to improve established pro­duct-related services. However, results of the study also show that the maritime suppliers industry has a very positive attitude towards digitalisation, is aware of the opportunity it presents and thus well positioned to develop data-based services and innovative business models in future.

Lutz Kretschmann, Carlos Jahn, Claudia Bosse Fraunhofer-Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML