Dear Readers, despite a global shipbuilding market that is still heavily suffering from overcapacities and weak demand, the German shipbuilding[ds_preview] industry has been able to maintain its successful path. On the basis of a robust order backlog and ever more efficient production methods, German shipyards continue to develop positively and grow. The specialization of the shipbuilding industry in Germany as well Europe on healthy high-tech niche markets is paying off.
The production of unique large-scale projects that meet the highest costumer requirements is daily business in German shipbuilding. Amazing ships, with many innovative features and impressive performance are the result. Some examples can be found in this publication. Such masterpieces are realized by the shipyards in close cooperation with hundreds of highly specialized companies supplying everything from excellent components to complete turn-key systems. Together with first-class system integration competence the customer can rely on perfection made in Germany. The chain of expertise is the essential feature that makes our industry competitive and resilient.
The rise of China into the high-tech segments of the shipbuilding and marine technology industry, the necessity of a massive reduction in ship emissions, the advancing digitalisation but also new dynamism in European naval shipbuilding constitute the great challenges of our times.
Therefore and more than ever, maritime players need to create new solutions, invest in new technologies, research, development and innovation and develop new forms of cooperation. To us, all these challenges offer great opportunities. Most obvious and urgent is the need to implement environmentally friendly technologies. German companies have a long tradition in offering optimal solutions for clear and efficient operation. New international requirements will give a boost to their market success.
At the same time, shipping companies struggle with growing uncertainty and increasingly complex technology applications: Which fuel type, which propulsion system, when is the right time to implement new technologies? More and more it becomes evident that such questions need individual answers depending on the specific operational needs. German yards, for newbuilding as well as repair & conversion, equipment makers and service providers are the ideal partners for all shipping companies that want to secure their competitive future.
The list of newbuildings delivered in 2018 in this year’s special edition shows many impressive examples of the innovative impetus and versatility of the German shipbuilding and maritime technology industry.
Enjoy reading!