In a time where savings are key to the shipowner, could it be that the hull could provide more answers to the solution? Danish-based Jotun believes that more savings can be achieved through hull monitoring, writes Samantha Fisk

The percentages that shipowners could save and make their ships more efficient through either equipment or design to meet with[ds_preview] regulations or to cut costs has been criticised over the years, but can all the numbers add up if it is done right?

Stein Kjølberg, global sales director for hull performance solutions believes that shipowners are missing out on a golden opportunity for further potential savings across their fleet with hull monitoring. He explains that: »When we talk about hull conversions we thought that this was a common theme in the market, but it was not. So, the approach to how to handle things and do analysis for owners and show them different savings through hull coatings was a wake-up call.«

Kjølberg notes that only 15% of the word fleet have equipment installed for hull monitoring and then only half of them are using it in an efficient way. The challenge that lies ahead for the industry and for Jotun, it appears, is to educate the market about what could be achieved from performing hull monitoring and learning how to access the raw data and use it effectively.

The main drivers pushing for this are the International Maritime Organization’s sulphur regulation that is looking closer than ever coming into effect and will potentially have sever repercussions for shipowners that aren’t compliant when it becomes effective.

»IMO 2020 will of course happen. Those who do not move to scrubbers will have to pay more for compliant fuel and have a bigger interest in finding ways to reduce the fuel bill. Those investing in scrubbers will still see an increase in fuel consumption as the auxiliary engine will have to help out«, explains Kjølberg.

Since the adoption of the ISO 30 standard, which allows raw data to be retrieved, companies are now looking at how this data along with the standard can be used to its full potential. Jotun establishes a baseline whilst the vessel is in a yard and from there it tracks the vessels performance and speed variation over time and in percent. »And that speed variation can be converted to fuel savings«, adds Kjølberg.

There are certain factors that need to be looked at when monitoring a vessels performance to be able to optimise its efficiency. One of these factors is performance which start back at the shipyard with the painting or coating that has been applied, monitoring of this can tell the user what was carried out and to what quality.

Most paints do not show any signs of deterioration in the first 12 months of application, but Kjølberg notes that: »By lifting the performance, starting point, you will have additional savings.«

By operating hull monitoring, Kjølberg opines that a potential of 15% in fuel saving could be achieved by shipowners. It will thus give shipowners and operators better clarity to see how their vessels are performing and also for captains operating the vessels on a day to day basis. By monitoring this way, the company expects that captains can adapt and change the way that ships are operated for the situation and environment that the vessel is in. Currently, Jotun has 850 vessels that it is using its hull monitoring package with and these units cover a range of types of vessels.

Jotun is also developing an underwater ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) for hull monitoring that it expects to see to come onto the market during the next year. Kjølberg notes that this latest development has not been designed to compete with the range of existing hull cleaning companies, but rather to enable even better hull monitoring for Jotun and its clients.
Samantha Fisk