FiFi pumps have become a standard requirement in new tugboats. How to find an economical solution without compromising manoeuverability? Clutch[ds_preview] maker Ortlinghaus proposes one main engine to drive the propeller and the FiFi pump. Space can be saved, as no separate engine is needed. During firefighting operation the pump needs full power while the propeller provides a certain level of thrust. This task can be realised with a FiFi pump connected to the B-side of the main engine and a slipping clutch between the diesel and propeller side, providing only part of the power to the propeller. With high-speed engines this becomes a challenge. Ort­linghaus has developed system solutions with a friction clutch that permit thermally controlled full slip at high speeds. Propact 75 HD Ortlinghaus is able to slip up to nominal speed of high-speed engines, Propact 72 MD, can be used to slip up to medium speeds.