The Benelux fleet consists mainly of small dry and offshore vessels, followed by tankers. In terms of value, tankers are[ds_preview] clearly dominating, followed by the small dry segment. The valuable tanker fleet is reflected by Euronav being the top Benelux owner by fleet value (63 ships worth 2,96 bn $). Wagenborg Shipping has by far the largest fleet in terms of number of ships, but has also the worst fleet size to value ratio, followed by Vroon Offshore Services and Spliethoff. Top spender in the past twelve months is Euronav with 320mill. $ spent on five vessels. Stolt Tankers has also bought five vessels during the period spending 157mill. $. OOS International comes in third with one vessel purchased for 61mill. $.
The Benelux region, particularly the Netherlands, is home to a number of shipbuilders as well. Ferus Smit is leading in terms of total deadweight tonnage delivered since 2015 (21 ships, 148,400 dwt) followed by Bodewes (27 ships, 133,300 dwt). Damen shipyards is ranked third in terms of tonnage but dominant in terms of number of vessels delivered (35 ships, 47,890 dwt).