If your ballast water management system does not comply with current regulations, this can have serious consequences for your business. Replacing it with a DESMI CompactClean solution gives you reliable and cost-effective compliance, even in the long term – and for most replacement projects, solution engineering is included in the price.
With a ballast water management system (BWMS) on board, your ship should be compliant with the IMO’s BWM Convention, but in fact some existing BWMS are not good enough. Some are unreliable, and some are simply not compliant with the current rules.
Severe consequences of non-compliance
“We often hear about issues with older BWMS on ships,” says Sales Director Christian Busch of DESMI Ocean Guard. “Some of them do not comply with the rules defined by the US Coast Guard or the IMO. Some shipowners have installed BWMS, expecting that the systems would receive approval, only to discover that they didn’t actually get it. Other systems don’t perform according to the customer’s expectations, or they are unreliable. And when you want to do something about it, the manufacturer may have gone out of business, making it difficult or impossible to keep your system running.”
The consequences of non-compliance or breakdowns are severe. Several countries are gradually ramping up BWMS inspections, and if a Port State Control Officer finds you have discharged non-compliant ballast water, you risk sizable fines. Even worse, if there is a fault with your system and you cannot discharge ballast water in port, you cannot take new cargo on board, and you risk losing business.
Engineering work included
On most replacement projects, DESMI Ocean Guard includes all necessary engineering work if you select a CompactClean solution. This includes all the drawings, diagrams, and other information needed for your preferred shipyard to carry out the replacement and make it work on your ship.
“We have years of experience with UV and filtration systems,” explains Rasmus Folsø, CEO at DESMI Ocean Guard.
“In most cases, an existing inline UV system with filtration can quickly be replaced with a CompactClean solution because the footprint of the CompactClean is very small, and because we can usually adapt pipework and wiring as required. Chemical dosing systems or slipstream solutions are often more complex, and in such cases, we do not always include all engineering. But our experience shows that replacing a UV system is often a relatively simple process.”