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DSM Dyneema, manufacturer of Ultra High Molecular Weight PolyEthylene (UHMWPE) fibre, has presented a new vessel mooring system called ShoreTension[ds_preview] which uses ropes made with Dyneema SK78 fibre to ensure permanent tension, even in extreme conditions. The stand-alone hydraulically controlled mooring system is designed to absorb the energy of the moving ship in a gust of wind and store this internally whilst paying out the mooring lines. When the peak loads are over, the system heaves in the lines with the energy stored, returning to its initial position. The system does not require any external energy, thus providing an effective and sustainable mooring solution. The system has already been introduced to a number of end-users at ports around the world including Rotterdam, Sines and Cotonou. A new »snake skin cover« was developed with Dyneema by Gleistein Ropes to help protect the load bearing core during its use, thus mitigating the risk of premature line failure, while extending the ropes’ lifetime, saving on replacement cost and reducing environmental impact. In contrast to conventional mooring ropes which transfer most of the tension to the ship, the new system allows the tension to be transferred to the so-called ShoreTension unit located onshore.