More than 10 Mio. t cargo was handled in t[ds_preview]he Ukrainian seaports in 2016. That was an increase of 14,6 % compared to the year before.
According to the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) the state port operators owned by the Ministry of Infrastructure handled about 1,83 Mio. t (18.2 % of total volume). Other port operators (mostly privately owned) handled the remaining 8 mill. t (81.8 % of total).
Most of the cargo was exported. These were about 8 Mio. t what corresponds to an increase of 30,3 %. In contrast the import decreased by 9 % compared to the same period in 2015. The transit cargo handling decreased by half to 375,000 t.
The container handling increased by 30.5 % during the reporting period and amounted to nearly 49,000 TEU.