There are many levers to be tightened in the environmentally sound transformation of the maritime industry. But where to start? We have asked classification societies. This is the answer from ClassNK.
Cumulative class society knowledge and expertise in rulemaking and certification is increasingly proving key to developing the robust frameworks that will support practical progress on maritime digitalization and decarbonization. ClassNK has developed two key initiatives to better respond to industry needs..
Launched in 2020, Innovation Endorsement provides a third-party evaluation and non-mandatory certification service for innovations in shipping, with a focus on safety, green, and labor as well as digital. The »speed-focused service« has been devised to help fresh solutions overcome the challenges that often face pioneers.
By the end of April 2022, 77 ships had been certified with Digital Smart Ship (DSS) notations as equipped with advanced digital solutions like energy efficiency, machinery monitoring and data processing/transmission to shore. In addition, 15 products and solutions had secured Innovation Endorsement certification, with 12 more under review by ClassNK’s dedicated task force. The service was also supplemented in 2021 with new Advanced Environmental Awareness (a-EA) notation.
ClassNK’s second initiative to help shipping decarbonize gathers its greenhouse gas emissions expertise under a new portfolio of Zero Emission Transition Support Services. The enhanced focus is designed to help customers make a smooth transition to zero-emission while planning and managing GHG emissions in their daily business operations.
Shipping’s progress towards emissions-free shipping will rely heavily on digital technology and data-driven processes, and ClassNK has responded by launching the cloud-based platform ZETA – Zero Emission Transition Accelerator.
Devised to streamline greenhouse gas emissions management at vessel and fleet level, ZETA offers ship managers, owners, and charterers a digital tool to achieve accurate CO2 emissions monitoring and simulate/report carbon intensity indicator (CII) ratings.
ClassNK ZETA offers owners and operators a solution to keep on top of their GHG emissions that is also fully compatible with IMO reporting requirements.
Drawing on a vessel’s operation status, the ZETA Vessel Monitoring module instantly displays the estimated annual CO2 emissions and CII ratings to support decision-making regarding possible corrective actions. Fleet Monitoring shows the same information across the fleet and allows users to evaluate the impact of emissions-reduction measures by benchmarking against past emissions data.
ZETA Simulation demonstrates the changes in the CO2 emissions and CII ratings of a vessel or fleet that would occur under emissions-reduction measures such as slow steaming, using energy-saving devices, or selecting alternative fuels.
Finally, the Periodical Report details the emissions performance of ships and fleets to meet the reporting requirements of stakeholders. For individual vessels, it provides a voyage summary and reflects CO2 emissions, CII ratings, and speed–CO2 emissions performance. At the fleet-wide level, it provides a fleet summary and describes the CO2-emissions, CII ratings, and EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator) performance of each ship.
Enhancements envisaged include additional emissions reporting to reflect the needs of industry frameworks like the Sea Cargo Charter and the Poseidon Principles, and a possible extension to include other GHGs, such as CH4 and N2O, should a unified framework for conversion factors be agreed.
ClassNK ZETA streamlines and simplifies emissions monitoring, simulation, and reporting processes to save the user time, money, and administrative effort in their endeavors to comply with accelerating regulatory requirements.
Crucially, like Innovation Endorsement, it is designed to evolve with regulations, drawing on ClassNK’s dialogue with its customers to ensure that the user’s needs are met not only today – but until zero-emissions shipping becomes a reality.