The Ocean Alliance will dep[ds_preview]loy around 350 container vessels with an estimated total carrying capacity of 3.5 mill. TEU in its»Day One« network.

Members of the Ocean Alliance – COSCO Container Lines, CMA CGM, Evergreen Line and Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) have set out the proposed Alliance‘s network, including port rotation for each service loop. The vessel deployment details will be released around end of this November.

The network comprises:

  • 20 Transpacific services (estimated 160 port pairs, with 13 Asia – West Coast North America services),
  • 7 Asia – East Coast North America and U.S. Gulf services),
  • 6 Asia – Europe services (estimated 110 port pairs),
  • 5 Asia – Mediterranean services (estimated 165 port pairs),
  • 3 Transatlantic services (estimated 70 port pairs),
  • 5 Asia – Middle East services (estimated 70 port pairs),
  • 2 Asia – Red Sea services (estimated 35 port pairs).

The top priority of the Ocean Alliance will be service quality and schedule reliability. »The signing of the ›Day One Product‹ marks an important step forward to develope the most competitive products to market and the high level of synergy and confidence we share in the partnership,« member carriers said in a statement.

As the main contributor to this alliance, the CMA CGM Group will have the largest share within the alliance, deploying a fleet of 119 vessels with a 35% capacity share.

At this time, the Ocean Alliance has filed the Master Agreement to Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China and that the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) as well as South Korea’s Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) have already expressed approval. The Alliance has also completed its EU self-assessment compliance review.

The new partners will commence operations from April 1st 2017.

ocean alliance
Signing of Ocean Alliance. Photo: CMA CGM