Start Märkte Seite 63


Pacific demand to drive tanker rates up again

The crude tanker market had one of its best runs in history but is now facing pressure as crude supply dwindles and floating storage...

Market lacklustre but stable at year-end

No rate-slashing for charter vessels as challenging year draws to a close. Early rebound in charter demand expected for 2020.Hire rates for container charter...

Carriers make most out of uneven recovery

Container shipping is making juicy profits again as freight increases offset volume losses. Although cargo volumes plunged by two-digit percentages, liner companies cautiously expand...
Arrow Shipbroking, Burak Certinok

VIEWPOINT: »Firm markets beyond corona«

Tonnage shortages won’t suddenly disappear if the world goes back to normal after the pandemic, says Burak Cetinok, head of research at Arrow Shipbroking...

US grains – a blessing for geared bulkers

Sentiment in the dry bulk market remains relatively optimistic despite some correction in rates. Jens Christian Nielsen, managing director of German shipbroker Frachtcontor, sees...

Gebrüder Weiss verkaufen ehemaliges Ipsen-Geschäft in Belgien

Die ehemaligen Aktivitäten der Ipsen-Gruppe in Belgien haben einen neuen Eigentümer. Gebrüder Weiss verkauft an Broekman Logistics aus Rotterdam. Nachdem sich das Unternehmen Gebrüder Weiss...

It’s unlikely that the »normal« will return

Seasonal demand and a backlog of business from earlier this year have set freights and vessel earnings in the European short sea sector on...

Capacity stretched beyond Golden Week

The rally in the container markets continues despite the spectre of second lockdowns. A capacity squeeze puts shipowners in the charter market firmly in...

Bremer Logistiker Ipsen verkauft Air&Sea-Geschäft an Weiss

Ipsen Logistics aus Bremen verkauft große Teile des operativen Geschäfts an die österreichische Spedition Gebrüder Weiss. Das weltweit agierende Logistikunternehmen Gebrüder Weiss bestätigte heute die...

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