In its 145th year, the Swedish Club has announced three new appointments to the board. Managing Director Lars Rhodin welcomed new members from Cosco Shipping Lines, Seaspan Ship Management and Winning Shipping.
New to the board are Chen Wei, Cosco Shipping Lines, Shanghai, Jude C[ds_preview]orrea, Seaspan Ship Management, Vancouver, and Lu Jian, Winning Shipping, Singapore.
Lars Rhodin said: »The Swedish Club represents members across the globe in almost every sector of shipping. We are delighted to see these new faces on our board and welcome the talents they will bring.«
The new board members were introduced at the Club’s 2017 Annual General Meeting. During his introductory address Rhodin reviewed the last 145 years of the Club, contrasting the industry climate both then and now. Looking ahead he highlighted the risks intrinsic in predicting the future and the importance of good leadership.
»Leadership Under Pressure« was the theme of the 2017 AGM, with speakers challenging the traditional ways of doing business. Robert Karjel, award winning speaker and author of the bestseller, »The Swede«, described his experiences as Lt. Colonel in the Swedish Air Force and hunting pirates in the Gulf of Aden when commanding a helicopter unit. Stefan Hyttfors, Swedish speaker of the year for two years running focused on disruptive technologies and behavioural change.